Page name: city of silver mountain [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-11-25 13:51:33
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Welcome to the City of Silver Mountain. The city sits at the foot of the mountains and desert. Travelers of all planes and dimensions come here to trade and relax. There are many places to explore and advent we hope that you will make it your playground. Sit back, Relax, and let the RPing begin!

demon's door

hidden grove


Click The Pictures Below To Go To Your Destination

City Hall is where news and updates to the wiki are posted. The rules will be posted here as well.
City Hall

The Clan Castle
Well known citizens of Silver Mountain
Ye Olde Metal Shoppe
the exiled castle
[by invitation of [arthin]
Crimson Hand Hall

Silver Mountain Gentleman's ClubExotic delights await you.
Silver Mountain Gentleman'S Club
The Misty Ridge TavernCome have a drink with us and flirt with a barmaid or two.
The Misty Ridge Tavern
The Silver Gallery of Art
The Silver Mountain CavesWhere lovers To to be alone
The Silver Mountain Caves


The Hall of Rememberance
This is a place where you can come and remember those that have passed
bob's diner where you can enjoy exotic food
<img200*0:stuff/aj/5263/1476620057.jpg>[officer of town guard]
<img200*0:stuff/aj/5263/1476922558.jpg>[reg town guard]<img:stuff/aj/5263/1477144794.jpg>

Username (or number or email):


[The Iron Warrior]: [hell yes lol]

[Sinful Raine666]: (Need pics for the clan castle)

[The Iron Warrior]: ill work on it lol i want an oriental motif lol

[The Iron Warrior]: i love it nyxie the pixie lol

[Sinful Raine666]: *giggles softly*

[The Iron Warrior]: i think foxxey left

[Sinful Raine666]: Me too

[The Iron Warrior]: i shall look up some castle pics lol

[The Iron Warrior]: i see you went back to valentine lol

[Sinful Raine666]: Okay and yeah I did I felt better this way

[The Iron Warrior]: yea i would say so love9kisses you gently0

[Sinful Raine666]: *kisses back*

[The Iron Warrior]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/9841/1336887371.jpg>nyxie at a party lol

[Sinful Raine666]: Hey that's not nice

[The Iron Warrior]: well love i got to go in a few ok

[The Iron Warrior]: damn i weould love to see nyxee have sex mthat would be interesting lol

[Sinful Raine666]: Nyxie: *giggles softly* yes that would

[rfrefv]: *The City seemed deserted as footsteps came through the broken gate. The one in front, a beautiful man with long dark blue hair and a cross around his neck looked around. Next to him looked to be an Angel but with one white wing and red hair wielding two swords. Behind them was another two sword wielder with short black hair. He looked to be rather young maybe early twenties and finally bringing up the rear a bushy brown haired man with a huge one-of-a-kind sword. These four men were the greatest swordsmen on Gaia. They were known to many as heros, some as legend, and to a powerful few... enemies. However they were real, and called themselves The Gideon. For some reason, however, they were brought to The Silver Mountains. A feeling had overcome FinHot and it seemed to be pushing him across Gaia. Of course the Gideon never abandon each other and their new adventure began. In The City of Silver Mountain, it seemed they had reached a dead end. The city looked abandon, the wind blew hard in this mountain city and papers flocked the streets. Flame, always ready for a fight, had his samurai swords posed for intruders.*
GuideWin: It looks like this place has been empty for years.
SayFod: Surely FinHot, this is not where we are suppose to be? *FinHot, however had a confused mind. Why were they here? What was this power he had been feeling. The others were feeling it too but no one would dare speak it. And as they drew closer to it, they could feel other powers, some just as powerful...*
FinHot: Let's keep moving. *He said in a deep voice.* Whatever we are suppose to find must be here.
Flame: I will defend the parameter. *He responded with a small shine of hope for a fight.*
GuidWin: Damnit Flame, ain't no one here. *His voice showed irritation. But it was understandable. The four men had been traveling for months now, Flame had been itching for a fight and FinHot, had been saying little. Between GuidWin and SayFod, they could feel a danger in these powers they were walking towards.*
Flame: Hey GuideWin, if someone IS here, I'll be the one to show them the way out of the city. *He explained with a smirk then walked off. *SayFod said little, one of the original Gideon members, he had seen a change in the "Guild" over the years. He kept to himself but it didn't mean he wasn't going to jump in in a fight. But he usually didn't interact with these "younger" kids. Like FinHot, SayFod founded the Guild originally 9 members, only he and FinHot survived the long years of fighting and protecting Gaia. It was only a decade ago that Flame and GuideWin joined. FinHot was moving forward as GuideWin followed and SayFod, of course, kept a watchful distance. He was good a catching predators the moment they plan to strike. This is why he always was last. FinHot took a turn by one of the beautiful Silver buildings, It was a little rusty and the silver was tarnished but its beauty was still apparent. It must have been simply stunning in its day but now it was a crude memory of what it once was. FinHot looked down the empty streets in all four directions... Nothing. Where was it taking him? Why this abandon city?*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she watches the four travel through the city being the only creature left in the mountain city for not really having a family or coven to return to her insticts told her to flee but her curiousity told her to stay and watch the four men as they traveled through the city an annoying burning in her throat as she has not fed since the city was abandoned*

[rfrefv]: *FinHot, GuideWin and SayFod stood at this intersection in the city. The road beneath them was negelected. Probably once used by thousands in this area for transit now it lay barran as weeds began to grow through the crack. It seemed on the left was some sort of market. Old stands still stood, others had given in to the test of time and fallen. FinHot pointed in the direction of the old market.*
FinHot: This way. *He said plainly and continued. GuideWin sighed heavily. It had been a while since they stopped and the sun was hanging at high noon. It was hot during this time of the day but with the city in the mountains the cool air defeated any heat trying to warm the air around them. His stomach was hurting... obviously it was time for food but FinHot's determination was begining to become overbearing.*
GuideWin: FinHot, once we get to the market up there, we have to stop. Food in necessary to continue this goose chase you're on. *FinHot was already aggrivated and GuideWin wasn't helping matters. But he chose to ignore it. Admitedly he, too, was feeling hungry. But he had to investiage this old market first.*
FinHot: We'll stop, lemme just check around the area first. *He explained. SayGod could see Flame out the corner of his eye. He grunted under his breath. The inexperience of this kid. He was suppose to be hiding and watching the parameter but SayFod had seen him 4 times already.*
SayFod: I agree, FinHot. Let's finish our business here quickly though. This city feels... different. *He explained. FinHot could feel the same thing. It was an ability they had gained through experience and the feeling they were sharing wasn't pleasent by the least.*
FinHot: I can't argue with you. *He responded.* There is much... uncertainty roaming these streets.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she stands about 50 paces behind the men watching with emmence curiousity now as they stare at the intersection where she once had a few unfriendly encounters when she first arrived ducking through a couple alley's she goes a head of them walking to the other side of the intersection in which they have stopped holding a basket on one arm an a bottle of ruby red liquid in the other her hood falling back revealing her moon pale she an vivid jade green eyes her raven tresses falling freely a few curled strands frameing her angelic looking face*

[rfrefv]: *FinHot, GuideWin and SayFod stopped staring ahead. The city was abandon and yet there stood, before them, a person. From the side Flame jumped down swords drawn.*
Flame: State your business *He demanded with is swords ready to strike her down. FinHot threw his hand out towards Flame.*
FinHot: Flame, enhance your calm. She means us no harm. *He replied. Flame, still glaring at the stranger responded in a deep, annoyed tone.*
Flame: How can you be so sure FinHot?
SayFod: Simply put, if she did she would have struck at us while she still had the element of surprise. *He barged in with a sarcastic tone. Flame still itched for a fight and deep down he was hoping they were wrong. With his swords still drawn he spoke towards the stranger again.*
Flame: SPEAK! *FinHot sighed.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: did your mother teach you any manners child? if your looking to leave the city with atleast a decent meal an drink you'll follow me if not turn around and go back to where you came from.

[rfrefv]: *FinHot glared at Flame then shook his head.*
FinHot: Ma'am I apologize for my comrades behavior. He is hot headed. This is why his name is Flame. *He expressed.* We do not mean you harm. We are on a quest and it has led us here. I am FinHot, *He began.*
SayFod: I am SayFod.
GuideWin: GuideWin
FinHot: And that rude child is Flame. We are known around Gaia as The Gideon *FinHot took a step forward.* If you please I would like to again apologize for my comrade Flame and it would be greatly appreciated for food and water. *He continued.* If money is an issue we can pay as much as you'd like.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: what use is money to a vampire sir? i'm not in need of money just a nice conversation and some company i've been alone in this city for a few years now

[rfrefv]: *FinHot nodded hesitantly.*
FinHot: Ma'am I understand your position but please do not be angered when I express that the four of us are expert fighters and masters of our own abilities and if you attempt to "feed" upon us, we will not go down without a fight. *FinHot felt a bit ashamed to assume but he was the oldest member in the group kinda assumed the role of leader though it was never offically given to him. SayFod was next behind FinHot and the bond between them was unmatched.*
SayFod: With all due respect Ma'am of course. *He chimed in trying to keep the tension down as best as possible.* Otherwise a bit to eat and drink would be great. *Flame still hadn't lowered his weapons though he did give the vampiress space.*
GuideWin: Damnit Flame, put them away. *He yelled.* Remember the last time you picked a fight with a vampire? *Flame's expression quickly went sour.
Flame: I would have taken him out but yous kept getting in the way. *GuideWin shook his head, it wasn't how he remembered it.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: oh that is not to worry about sir *she raises the bottle she holds* i have my supply here if i'd bite any of you your pants would have the issues not my need to feed

[rfrefv]: *FinHot smiled.*
FinHot: Alright Ma'am excuse my rudeness, if you still allow us. We will follow you to your place of dwelling.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: i constently change dwellings sir as to keep those that pass through confused about if there is life :ere or not *she motions to the largest manner at the end of the square* that is my main home though an we shall dine there

[rfrefv]: *FinHot bows.*
Finhot: Ma'am allows us the gratitude of your generosity. *He explained.* We are almost at starviving and we are in need of a good bite to eat to further pursue our mission.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she nods and begins walking to her home giving the one named flame a look saying "dont start a fight you'll lose"*

[rfrefv]: *FinHot, GuideWin and SayFod begin to follow. As they pass Flame it was GuideWin, Flame's closest friend, who spoke to him.*
GuideWin: Seriously Flame, She has yet to show any aggression. We are all hungry put that shit away. We haven't ate in 3 days. If you screw this up for us, you'll have a fight on your hands for sure. *He said. Flame was still reluctant but finally threw his swords back in their sleths on his back and brought of the rear of the group as they followed the vampiress to her dwelling.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she opens the gates quickly knowing she'll have to be in the kitchen post haste in order to make the meals for the men following her*

[rfrefv]: *The Gideon followed the Vampiress.*

[foxyvixen17]: *she busies herdself with the making of the meals*

[rfrefv]: *SayFod took a sit in one of the chairs in the den. He looked across the room and noticed a wall full of books. These books were old some dating back to pre-Myria when the Brood still ran wild on Gaia. SayFod ran his eyes from one title to another. He noticed books he thought was destroyed. During the Myria wars with the Brood, then the Srobib wars and those many wars after, many of Gaia's real history was destroyed. But the Vampiress owned many original copies of some of the oldest books. FinHot was sitting on the floor in the corner. His legs were crossed and eyes were closed. He was looking deep within himself. He had to figure out where he was being led. Flame was on the opposite side of the room playing with his swords. He flipped one u, caught it, and swung it left then right. He spun around then swung his sword again. GuideWin, humorously, was asleep. He had quickly fallen asleep on the couch. These four men were just so different. But together, in a fight, they were unbeatable.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she calls from the kitchen "i can use a lil help in here if anyone feels like getting the stag from the ageing room so i can make the stew"*

[rfrefv]: *FinHot opened his eyes and looked over at SayFod who looked at GuidWin. He slowly stood sighing.*
GuideWin: Fine guys I'll do it. *He said and walked out the room. He moved through the hallway to the kitchen.* How may i help ma'am?

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: if you could be a darlin and get the stage from the meat cooler and cut it upbinto nice sized chunks i'll be able to braze it then put it into the stew *she holds up the spoon she was stiring the stew broth with for him to try to get an oppinion on the flovering*

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin takes a sip from the spoon and smiled. It was defiantly a satisfying taste to his lips. He turned and pointed across the kitchen. Obviously this wasn't his dwelling and he wasn't going to pretend like it was.*
GuideWin: And the Meat Cooler would be? *He trailed off pointed in all directions.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: the door to the right of the kitchen dooor its tucked away like that so if i'm desprate enough i can just drain blood from the meat in there for food i dont go hunting for humans often even when they were in great supply a few centuries ago *she starts chopping up the veggies for the stew seems to fit into the role of wife an mother even though in her human life she had never been married or touched by any manner in a intamet manner*

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin nodded giving her a strange look.*
GuideWin: Interesting *He began getting louder as he followed the Vampiress' instructions and headed for the meat cooler.* Why wouldn't you hunt? Isn't that the fun part of being a Vampire? *As he finished his question he had returned with the meat setting it in the sink.* Myself and Flame found ourselves surrounded by Vampires about 4 decades ago. We held our own for a bit but these Vampires were very powerful. It wasn't until SayFod and FinHot came to our aid that we were able to defeat them. That's also when they gave us the offer to join their Guild.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: i never had the nack for hunting i'm more of an energy feeder i dont really like to harm others *she stirs the stew going quiet thinking about the first time she tried hunting*

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin nodded slowly confused but didn't wish to insult the hostess by saying something wrong.*
GuideWin: Did you need me for anything else? *He asked.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: not at the moment unless you have a preferance for dessert *she takes the meat from the sink begining the cut it into good stized chunks humming softly*

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin shook her head but for some reason couldn't leave. He just stared at the sadness in the eyes of the Vampiress. GuideWin opened his mouth trying to say something.*
GuideWin: If-If I may ask... may I ask something.... personal?

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: ask away *she puts the meat chunks in a pan begining to braze them*

[rfrefv]: GuidWin: Why it I have seen not a hint of a Husband?

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: i never married i didnt get the chance to find a husband before i was turned my parents were going to throw me a coming of age party the day after i was biten

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin nodded.*
GuideWin: And how old were you when you were biten?

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: i was 23

[rfrefv]: GuideWin: So you live here alone?

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: yes i've lived alone sice the city was abondoned

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin shook his head slowly.*
GuideWin: Why? Why not leave?

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: what do i have to look forward if i leave here?

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin looks around then moves in close with her.*
GuideWin: Come with us. A Vampiress would make for a good ally. We don't know where we're going yet but Wherever it is it has to be better than here.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: i am sure it isnt your place to make such offers sir *she adds the meat to the stew stirring it enjoying the scent of the cooked meat an the broth missing being able to eat such things*

[rfrefv]: GuideWin: Well I can talk to the men, surely after they hear what my offer is. *He said building a smile.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: if i didnt know better i'd say you were hitting on me. *she starts dishing out the stew and walks to the kitchen door peeking calling "supper is ready" like a mother does to her kids*

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin quickly shakes his head nervously.*
GuidWin: No ma'am I would never... *He said trying to cover up.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she giggles softly* i thought i was correct.

[rfrefv]: *GuideWin shakes his head viciously.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she sets the bowls on the table and walks out to the garden to keep herself occupied*

[rfrefv]: *Guidewin, FinHot, Flame and SoyFod sat down at the table pulling their chairs closer and looked at the bowls.*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: it wont bite you boys its just stew unless you think i poisoned it.

[rfrefv]: *They shook their heads slowly then bowed them.*
Finhot: To the blessed above. *He began.*
Flame: Let us bless this meal.
SayFod: Bless this house,
GuideWin: And Bless those who stand before us.
FinHot: We ask you to watch over us on our journey as long as it takes.
GuideWin: Also bless our hostess for her hospitality and generosity.
Flame: Bless our enemies who are stupid enough to stand before us.
SayFod: In this we pray. *The four of them bowed their heads once more then opened their eyes and looked at their food with a smile.*
FinHot: Now let's, with your permission Evona, dig in.

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she laughs softly and nods and goes tto the back room then returns with a glass of dark red liquid*

[Sinful Raine666]: Nyxie:*flutters around the gigantic fruit bowl in the middle of the table*

[rfrefv]: *Finhot began with his hand on the stew as he grabbed it and used the huge spoon to fill his bowl before passing it on Flame grabbed it next filling his bowl continuing. As the stew circled the table the bread soon followed.*
FinHot: Ms. Evona *He began as he grabbed his bread and broke it in two.* After this meal may we request your assistance on our journey?

[Sinful Raine666]: Nyxie:* chatters to Evona the candle light glinting off her wings*

[foxyvixen17]: Evona: *she nods abit while playing with a blood stone*

[rfrefv]: Finhot: Lovely
Guidewin: Wait Finhot are you sure this is best? We don't even know where we're going.

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: looks at the hustle bustle of the streets and sees bobs diner. damn i need a paco taco

[The Iron Warrior]: the wander looks around heads for bobs diner

[Sinful Raine666]: Nyxie giggles fluttering around

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -sees large group of people with a little thing buzzing around-

[Sinful Raine666]: - she looks at the newcomer sitting on the edge of a spoon-

[The Obsidian Knight]: -wraps cloak tightly around him -

[The Iron Warrior]: -you see a large regal carriage moving slowly in the stops. a large man gets out and tells the carriage to is the lord of the city.the mystik warrior out for a stroll-

[Sinful Raine666]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/7960/1433046816.jpg>
- nyxie the demon pixiereturns to her normal size watching-

[The Obsidian Knight]: -kneels- Its him!!! Its the mystik warrior!!!

[Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: -walks up to thepixie and ruffles hair-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -twangs arrow at mystik- DIE TYRANT DIE!!!


[The Iron Warrior]: -catches arrows in midair.looks at james and the knight and laughes-

[Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: -rushes up from behind the two assaasins ,with sword drawn-

[The Obsidian Knight]: -turns drawing sword meeting ana head on.swords clanging-

[Sinful Raine666]: -she chuckles softly knowing the usurpers will fail-

[The Obsidian Knight]: -sees an opening.sword knocking away anas sword .drives sword through her-

[Sinful Raine666]: -banishes the wound from ana- this is my domain vermillion amd ypu are just a guest

[The Obsidian Knight]: No here I'm a paid assassin hired to kill the lord of this city!!!

[Sinful Raine666]: I rule over this city,

[The Obsidian Knight]: I thought mystik did? I'm lost here

[Sinful Raine666]: He is my emmiserry

[The Iron Warrior]: yea what she said

[Sinful Raine666]: -smiles nodding-

[The Iron Warrior]: -looks at raine- hey raine been awhile

[Sinful Raine666]: Indeed. It has

[Sinful Raine666]: Appears after a long absence<img:stuff/aj/7960/1444886939.jpg>

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: [Now you and vix need to break this wiki in hee hee

[Sinful Raine666]: Oh you perv

[Sinful Raine666]: Hes not my mate in all wiki's

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: ONLY NOTSECRET PACK HEE HEE

[Sinful Raine666]: And here

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Wolf/Dragon makes a Wagon!!!!! hee hee

[Sinful Raine666]: Omg your a brat

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: well its better than drolf

[Sinful Raine666]: Shush

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: tiger/vampire= tampire or viger

[Sinful Raine666]: Oh bite me james

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Bend over Raine!!!

[Sinful Raine666]: - bends over-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -plants wet kiss on left cheek!! then nips it!!!-

[Sinful Raine666]: - gasps softly biting my lower lip-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: moves to other cheek slowly make circkes with my toungue as i go

[Sinful Raine666]: - my lower lip quivers lightly as you do-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -spreads ass cheeks slides toungue in crack moving upm and down.then jams it into your ass

[Sinful Raine666]: - squeaks jumpimg slightly-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -pulls you back to my toungue-

[Sinful Raine666]: - gasps moaning softly-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: hands reaches around starts rubbing clit as my fingers slide into your pussy!!

[Sinful Raine666]: - cries out softly my pussy already wet-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -keeps move my finger on your slick clit. my toungue circle your asshole fadter and faster-

[Sinful Raine666]: - whimpers softly my knees buckling-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -slides underneath.plsants mouth on your pussy and starts fingers slide into your ass from both sides

[Sinful Raine666]: - i hold myselfmup moaning as you do-

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -my lips gently pull on your clit-

[Sinful Raine666]: -gasps moaning my clit sensitive-


[Sinful Raine666]: Nothing happenes

[The Obsidian Knight]: [REPEAT]

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Krev you are an ass!!!

[Sinful Raine666]: Behave or stay off my wiki

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Who me or krev

[The Iron Warrior]: Krev i have put out a warrant for you!!!


[The Iron Warrior]: here too.geez krev get a life

[The Obsidian Knight]: Ok seriously. polf does sound like a fart.And I think it should be winter reign666.That has a nice ring to it.And you pw your wiki. that is so wrong Raine.

[Sinful Raine666]: Dum dum i pwvmy bedrooms

[The Iron Warrior]: Throws magic indestructable.inescapeable,pwerdampening lasso on rain and ties her up- Ha now i have my kinky way with you!!!!!

[Sinful Raine666]: -shakes my head -

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -smiles- Can I be of assitance Mystik?

[Sinful Raine666]: Really boys

[Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: -sees Raine tied up.Gestures and Raines clothes disappear-Oopsy!Wrong spell.Hee hee

[Sinful Raine666]: I dont believe that for a minute ana

[The Obsidian Knight]: PARTY WITH RAINE!!!

[Sinful Raine666]: Oh geez more people

[The Obsidian Knight]: Iam not a people !!!I am a wazzit thank you!!!

[Sinful Raine666]: Lol nuuu your a people

[The Obsidian Knight]:



[Snakebyte Forktounge]: EMMIE!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

[The Obsidian Knight]: OMG A NEKKID TIGER

[Sinful Raine666]: And your point krev, im nekkid most of the time

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Uh tigers are always nekkid.Unless you are the one from Shazam!!!

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: well its true.his name was tawky tawnee

[The Iron Warrior]: What about that fuzzless tiger named Emmie?

[silverraven66699]: *walks in tossing my bag my chair, walking over to the freezer grabbing a bag of ice and puts it over my left shoulder i go and sit in my chair*
Howdy y'll, what's new?

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Well hello there

[The Iron Warrior]: well hello runicorn

[silverraven66699]: *I chuckle* Howdy, and before you lecturer my Mystik, I just want to say, it was in self-defense.. *tries not to smirk*

[The Iron Warrior]: i lecture no more. ewe should do with our lives as we wish. no more no less

[silverraven66699]: Aww, I miss your lectures, Mystik. At some points in time they were a turn-on for me.

[The Iron Warrior]: i am going to the gentlemens club ru.join me for a drink?

[silverraven66699]: *I stand a little wobbly in the legs* Sure, just as long as I you don't let me leave with any redheaded ladies. They get me in trouble... *chuckles**


[Snakebyte Forktounge]: GREETINGS COBRA!!!

[The Obsidian Knight]: So barbarian you would trifle with my wife!!!

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: No I greet your Queen with Respect sir Knight .

[The Obsidian Knight]: I SAY YOU LIE KNAVE!!

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Nay Lord Jakob I do not!!!

[The Obsidian Knight]: So be it!!!

[*leaving fake*]: -giggles- oh boys and their silly penis waving

[The Obsidian Knight]: How could you demean me so my Queen. Iwas defending my wifes honor!!

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -Sneakily starts to draw dagger!!=

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -slides out dagger from other side throws at the Knight-

[Cortexius]: *catches dagger throws it back at barbarian with pure force the tip red as it sinks into the wall grabbing krevangau* enough the two of you.* picks up mead hands one to each of you* now drink you grumpy old men

[The Obsidian Knight]: -Downs the mead- now thats kick ass mead bro

[Cortexius]: Why are you fighting we have much bigger issues the orcs of demonia are at our door step. The sage council have fallen and you two are fighting over a woman* rummages through weapons locker* weres my battle axe it is* places gaint battle axe across my shoulder* lets go to war

[The Obsidian Knight]: -pulls out harvester of sorrows - ok ppl lets go dance with the orcs

[silverraven66699]: *I come out of my room dressed from to the nines, heels and all* They been fighting and I've been rejecting everyone. Oh,and Orcs of Demonia have switched sides...
*smiles* You boys can thank me later after you pick your jaws up off the floor...
*I walk over the door and welcomes in Lord Orik the Black* Ah! Orik! Welcome, please won't you come in? Would you care for a drink? *I welcome a tall, well tanned man in fur coats*

[Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: -Dressed in my tight green silk kimono I stride up to the group-Greetings all!Ru you can not have Krev now he is spoken for hee hee!And Bartuc you are so ill mannered,But one expects that from barbariansAnd who is is this tall gentlmen you speak to Ru.Allow me to introduce myself.Iam lady Anna of the Obsidian Rose!

[silverraven66699]: *Orik huffs and nods* Miss....
*I smirk and chuckle* Orik, still a charmer with works I see?

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: Orik is a git!!

[Mistress Dark Jade of the Obsidian Rose]: -Slaps bartuc- silence bartuc

[Snakebyte Forktounge]: -bitch!-draws sword = no woman slaps me!!

[The Obsidian Knight]: -is walking by sees commotion-

[silverraven66699]: *Smacks Bartuc in the back of the head* Listen up, Buttard. Touch any of these beautiful, smart, young women and I kill you before your next heart beat. Is this, understood??

[Magara-Lady of the Ravens]: hee hee she called him a buttard

[silverraven66699]: *chuckles between sneezes*

[The Iron Warrior]: wat is a buttard?

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